zonten inauguracion 2

ZONTEN EUROPE officially opens its headquarters

Zonten Europe is a new company based in Barcelona that offers comprehensive solutions for the manufacturing of labels under its own brand. Since its creation, it has been structuring the European and American channels for marketing and after-sales service. Zonten has about 15,000 installed machines worldwide and leads the manufacturing of semi-rotary offset equipment, with 500 installations.

On 28th March Zonten Europe will be opening the headquarters and demonstration room with a special party, where customers, personalities, staff, distribution channels, and the press will be present, officially launching the project. Among the Zonten products, the Multiprint offset stands out. For the highly competitive and increasingly demanding label market, it offers the highest quality at the lowest cost in short and medium runs, with online finishing and a high degree of automation.

As VP Sales & Marketing, Jordi Quera said:

“…the newest trend is not digital but industrial machines that are very easy to operate, with faster changes and set up times, economic consumables, the indisputable quality of the offset, reasonable investments in machinery and long-term amortizations, reduced waste, automation and configuring the machine according to the customers needs, with any in-line finishing”.

Zonten Europe is positioned as a solid technological alternative in a market with broad industrial needs.