Gráficas Francisco del Moral: One year producing with Zonten Europe ZZE

From left to right Andrés Sánchez CFO, Eduard Sa CEO at ZONTEN EUROPE, Martín del Moral Production Manager and Alba del Moral D. Processes and Planning.
Gráficas Francisco del Moral located in Jaén and with more than 25 years of experience in the sector, has been working with Zonten for more than a year: The company has a Multiprint ZTJ 340 semi-rotary offset press and a Multiconvert ZMQ finishing machine.
We talk with Andrés Sánchez, CFO at the company to ask him about their experience with Zonten Europe:
About the company:
- What is the current situation of Gráficas Francisco del Moral?
Despite the volatile and complicated circumstances that we have all had to live through, the company is in a good moment, in a mature market with a high degree of competition. At the moment, and said with caution because of what we have said about the current situation, we are in a period of growth and expansion thanks to the confidence of our clients. This means that we are continually developing investment plans both in technology and new equipment, and we are also currently planning the expansion of our facilities of more than 5,000 m2 located in Andújar (Jaén).
About the Zonten Multiprint ZTJ semi-rotary offset press and the Multiconvert ZMQ finishing machine
- Which production needs led you to decide to install a Zonten Multiprint ZTJ and a Multiconvert ZMQ finishing machine?
At Gráficas Francisco del Moral we are always in direct and permanent contact with our customers, understanding their needs, listening to their proposals for development and improvement, and from the analysis of these proposals from our “bosses”, the customers, we decided to improve our offset printing equipment with the Zonten Multiprint and the Multiconvert finishing equipment.
- Which aspects of each machine would you highlight once you are up and running with them?
In reference to the Zonten semi-rotary offset press, its in-line equipment allows us to finish jobs in a complete, fast and agile way, simplifying times and processes for the best quality and service. The ZMQ finishing equipment provides simplicity in its set-up and agility.
- Have the new machines lived up to expectations?
Yes, all our professionals have adapted quickly and easily to this equipment, advised and assisted by Zonten Europe and its team of highly qualified professionals, always ready and efficient to deal with any eventuality that may arise during the installation and start-up of new machines.
- Why did you decide to choose Zonten Europe?
The strategy of Gráficas Francisco del Moral, S.A. is to differentiate ourselves from our competitors in the sector by investing in new products and technologies.
On the other hand, and due to the good experience in the acquisition of previous machines with the members of the Zonten team, from the beginning these investments in Zonten Europe machines inspired us confidence and security, facts that have been reflected in the day to day reality.
Experience with Zonten Europe:
- Did you consider that the experience with Zonten Europe in terms of advice was positive?
Zonten Europe, through its agent in our country, has attended and advised in a total and agile way, everything related to the installation and commissioning of these equipment, solving any doubt or eventuality both “in situ” and without delay, as well as telematically.
- Finally, did you consider the experience with Zonten Europe in terms of service and training successful? What would you highlight about the service you received?
For us ZONTEN EUROPE is synonymous of reliability, service and attention. They are always there, both in pre-sales and after-sales. They have a team of very good professionals, where they combine experience with the desire and knowledge of young and prepared people, who transmit their knowledge and good work to our professionals, providing not only initial training, but also permanent training.
We are especially grateful to Gráficas Fco. del Moral for the trust placed in Zonten Europe / ZZE and in our machines.